♥.The Girl.♥
Hello, im Yingz which is 19 year old in this year :)
My born date -> 6.9.1990 * Super Virgo xD
Friends , hang out, shopping , branded stuff , gossiping , relaxing , enjoying , traveling , surf to net....(and so so on ;))
I can be good with everyone ♥.♥
Look cool sometimes,or maybe shy.
But im sure im the talkative one ! :D
+**"Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back."**+
. xoxo . ^^
Friday, March 27, 2009
*Tagged by Sherlyn*
Starting time: 0345pm
Sisters: None Brothers: 2 (the smallest brother standard 1 now) Shoes size: 4 , 4.5 or 5 Height: 159cm (actually not that short :p) Where do you live: Kulim..a small but a lovely country.. Favourite drink: Recently like to drink 'Ba Li' .. lol Favourite breakfast: Half boiled egg and bread ^^ Have You Been on a plane: yaya Swam in the ocean: No way Fallen asleep in school: ya,when i was really really tired,cant stand on it Broken some one's heart: i think yes,sorry... Fell of your chair: LOL :p Sat by all night waiting for someone to call: i think no if not mistaken.. Saved e-mails: Lazy to do it.. What is your room like: Light apple green room with some S.H.E posters =D What's right beside you: Air What's the last thing you ate: Kon Lo Mee Ever had chicken pox: Yes Sore throat: Oh no Stitches: No..its disgusting. Broken nose: No Do you believe in love at first sight: hmmp... Like picnics: Don't know... Who was the last person you danced with:wohoo..its long long time ago,forgot the names ;) Last made you smile: Blue's funny attitude and non-sense..lol You last yelled at: erhem! im soft.. *shy xD
TODAY DID YOU Talk to someone you like: yaya Kissed anyone: no.. Get sick: hmmp..still healthy Talked to an ex: No Miss someone: YES Do you sleep with stuffed animals: no.. What's under your bed: Har?dust?lol Who do you really hate: Anything which make me scary =/ What time is it now: 0412pm Is there a person who is on your mind right now: Exactly yes Do you have any siblings: Yes Do you want children: After marry only i will think about it Do you smile often: Yes..but sometimes im cool.. Do you like your handwriting: hmmp..still ok.. Are your toenails painted: Yes Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: hmmp..too many..lol Color shirt are you wearing: apple green and white What were you doing at 7pm yesterday: Just gonna back from school =/ I can't wait to: Get something i really want ! When did you cry last: Don't really remember...a movie that really make me feel touch ! lol Are you a friendly person: of course..but im really shy to face my new frens..ahha Do you have any pets: No Where is the person you have feelings for right now: Not far from me ;) Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you: Yes for sure Do you sleep with the TV on: Seriously I less watch TV leh What are you doing now: Typing..and thinking.. Can you handle the truth: Depends.. Are you closer to mother or father: I love both of them much! ! How many people can you say you've really loved: i love those who loves me =) Do you eat healthily: NOno...i love kfc more than vegetables :s Have you ever cried because something someone said to you: YES..deeply in my heart. How often do you go to church: Didnt go there for a very long time If you're having a bad day,who are you most likely to go to: None,just stay at home Are you loud or quiet most of the time: im really noisy with my close frens ;p Are you confident: hmmp..nt really =/
THINGS YOU DID 10 YEARS AGO Get 3rd prize in english competition?lol
>Did my housework and also homework =/ *sucks
PLACES I HAVE LIVED IN Sweet and comfort home~*.*
sSusan , Jie yun, Bee , Dobin , Shirlyn , Yk , Chun kit , Cacambo
Thursday, March 19, 2009
前天, 也就是3月18日,星期三 让我破了有史以来的记录 哈哈 什么记录呢?
虽然不是很大件事 但却让我印象深刻
当时, 我去top up touch n go card 好了,上车了 要退车了 退呀退的.. 一个没注意, 竟然撞到别辆车子! "kok"
突然脑子里一片空白 什么事? 糟了 心想, 我现在该怎么做?
嘴里也不停一直念, "喂,怎样啊?现在要怎样?" 真的不知道下一步该要有什么行动 不知所措
后来 我朋友就说 "你先驾上前一点,后来再下车看看" 蛮镇定的嘛她.. 哈哈 就照做路..
幸好车子没什么大碍 呼.. 也幸好我撞到的是一个政府人员的车子 好采.. 哈哈
最怕是那些一下车就脸凶凶要打架的样子 天啊, 永远都不要让我遇到这样凶恶的人
我一直跟他道歉 "sorry sorry.." 因为除了这样, 我也不能做什么了 人家当时很害怕的咧! 真是的 哈
最幸好的, 他说"tak apa"
'Dai bou lam guo!'(广东) 吓到我.. 接着就快快跑上车了. 事情虽然解决了, 不过心里还是有点慌的 心里会想: "好采..谢谢老天爷" "这件事不可以让家人知道!" 不然以后要出门都难了..
这也给了我一个小教训吧, 有史以来的记录 我会铭记在心, 以后会更小心驾驶的 嘿嘿
接下来就安安全全地抵达摈城了 去了queensbay的马桶店吃 环境还算不错, 蛮可爱 不过食物就马马地 点了cheese饭来吃, 相比之下 本人还是比较喜欢Kim Gary的.. 只是纯粹个人意见啦 嘻嘻
mini 和我
吃饱了就到处逛 找我要的东西
很开心的, 我全都买齐了 包括...
我的眼镜~! 超超开心的~ 我找了好久.. 最后终于都给我找到适合的了 *wink =D
由于时间还很多, 就去tarc college找朋友 第一次去那边.. 路好复杂 老实说我都忘了要怎么去了 下次还有机会的话, 我会再来的 找我好久不见的朋友 真的.. I miss u
最后, 去了Northen解决我们的晚餐.. 那里靠海,可以吹海风 蛮不错下 嘻嘻
人家请吃sushi 难得咯 ;)
到家已经接近11点了 几累一下.. 很少自己驾夜车 感觉蛮爽的.. 嘿嘿 虽然说现在有点危险 但很有满足感~
就是上几个星期 我买了这本书 <<女性身体私密书>> in popular
里面有好多好多的知识 从青春期,到更年期 所以这本书可以收到老 甚至可以传给下一代 哈!
本人买了觉得超值得的 而且价钱公道 身为女生,就应该要拥有这本书~
当然, 男生也可以购买, 因为里头也有关于一些男生的知识 也可以了解你的另一半, 那就不是一举两得了吗? 哈!
总之, 非常齐全! 就好像所谓的百科全书~
好书一本喂~ (大力推销~)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
最近跑去修发了 本来不舍得的 可是我们四个去, 三个都换发型 剩我一个没换 arghh 不甘心! 个个都得剪漂亮漂亮 只有我没有, 这怎么行得通?? 所以最后还是决定修啦 嘻嘻
今天早上五点就起床了 6.45a.m要到学校集合 拍毕业照 时间过得好快, 转眼间就要毕业了 不知大家的心情是如何的?
嘻嘻 很兴奋的, 在班上跟好多同学拍照 感觉都还不错的 平时很少沟通的今天都有了些接触 班上的同学都对我很好, 很庆幸的我有机会能与你们同班 谢谢你们儿 ;)
这个月开始 我开始租宿舍了~ 感觉有点兴奋 哈哈 因为我有第二个属于自己的家 有时候可以呆在那与朋友吵吵闹闹 我一星期只住那一两天吧, 因为还是会想家! i hav homesick xp
还有哦, 想补充一点 那就是 别看我样子静静 斯文斯文 不爱说话的 有时cool cool 的, 好像很'冷死'的样 嘻嘻 其实你们都错了 我很好动的
我身边的朋友都说: "你们还没看到她的庐山真面目罢了啊!" '她' , 指的就是我 哈哈 believe it so, do friendly with me =)
让你们看看我们的靓照吧 :D
她名Li chin,我们都叫她 licin = =
My class U6AP
The biggest class in IBM i think
I love my class =)
Finally, i snap myself hehe
p/s: i haven found my spect ! =(